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Female Reproductive system physiology 👨‍🔬👨‍🔬

  Location :Lower 👇 Abdomen              (Cervix Region) Female Reproductive System Consist of :- Pair of Ovary, Fallopian Tube (Uterine Tube), Uterus, Cervix, Vagina, Vulva and mammary gland etc. Ovary :- Two in number 🎰 where ovum produced by Oogenesis process. Fallopian Tube :- A wide cylindrical structure extend from Ovary to uterus         Parts of Fallopian Tube : Infundibulum Ampulla  Isthmus  Note :Fertilisation occur in Ampullary Region.  Uterus :Also known by Womb. Inverted pear in structure.      Parts of Uterus     Endometrium      Myometrium     Perimetrium Note :- Main role in Menstrual cycle done by        Endometrium   In Delivery main role done by Myometrium.  Thank you 👍 👍 ❤️❤️ For more comment down 👇 👇 
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